Monday, 6 March 2017

Our weekly meal plan - 6th march 2017

Its been quite a while since I wrote a blog post about our meal plans. The last one I published was in the middle of February which you can read here, 13th Feb Meal Plan. The most popular meal from that was Joe Wicks' Chicken Pie. It was a hit with all of us. 

We were away quite a bit during half term so I didn't bother meal planning that week and then stupidly I didn't get around to writing one the following week. This saw us having a couple of takeaways, lots of naughty, lazy food and saw us spending far too much on our shops. This week we are back on track.

This week we are all eating the same meals. Luckily I still have some batch cooked meals in the freezer incase the girls don't like anything new I present them this week. 

Inspiration for this weeks meal plan has mainly come from Kayla Itsines book. I've mentioned her book before on a previous meal plan. It's my current favourite cookbook. It features lots of great, healthy recipes which are perfect for hubby and I because it's 7 weeks until we go on holiday so we have just started a new health and fitness mission.

Monday - Chicken Wings and Mediterranean Vegetables

Tuesday  - Homemade Turkey Burgers (without the bun for hubby and I and a bun for the girls) with Sweet Potato Fries

Wednesday  - Tuna Pasta Bake (I'm actually out for dinner this eve so will try and choose something as healthy as possible). 

Thursday - Chicken and Prawn Paella (Kayla Itsines Recipe)

Friday - Fish Tacos (Kayla Itsines Recipe)

Saturday - Fakeaway Pizzas (healthy homemade ones for hubby and I using a pitta bread for the base and the girls will make their own)

Sunday  - Roast Dinner

I'm struggling for healthy but quick to prepare, breakfast, lunch and snack ideas. Do you have any suggestions?



  1. Ooh good plan! Love the sound of homemade turkey burgers x

  2. Sounds like a good plan. I've never had fish tacos. Not sure I'd be brave enough to try them x

  3. I love the idea of fakeaway pizza! Fab meal plan!

  4. Wow you're so organised! Fakeaway pizzas are genius!

  5. I love making homemade burgers but never thought of making Turkey burgers. They sound tasty, need to try :)

  6. Pitta bread pizza? - I need to try this!

  7. You have made me crave a roast dinner. Wish hubby didn't have to work weekends :(

  8. Smoothies are always nice and they are easy to make!

  9. That's a great week of meal inspiration. I struggle with snacks too. I don't like fruit so it cuts quite a lot of things out

  10. Love this! I need to start meal planning!!

  11. We are not fish eaters but I am with you for the roast dinner. I really fancy lamb at the moment

  12. I discovered pitta bread pizzas at Matthew's Beavers session done over an open fire: they were brilliant and a new addition to our BBQ repertoire


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