Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Gro-Snug from The Gro Company

Swaddling is one of those things that we are old told to do with babies by family, midwifes, health visitors etc. It's a great way of keeping your baby cozy. However, if you're anything like the hubby and I this activity does not came naturally. When we had our first child we would spend long periods of time trying to work out how to wrap blankets so that they are in the 'swaddle' position. No matter how many times we were shown this by health care professionals we just couldn't grasp it. Our next child has recently entered the world and guess what?! We found ourselves back in a world of swaddle pain. Most of the blankets we would wrap would look like one of those horrific shape presents that you find yourself trying desperately to make look pretty. One of the worst things was that we'd end up making the baby to hot as we would wrap the blanket so many times it would end up adding too many layers.

Thankfully, we were asked if we would like to review a Gro Snug from the Gro Company. I new they made Gro Bags (which we've used) but i'd never heard of a Gro Snug. It acts as a sleeping bag and swaddle blanket so giving you the best of both worlds. As you can imagine, I jumped at the chance of reviewing this as I was hoping it would end my losing battle with swaddling.

It comes in 3 different colours. I chose the pure white one. You may be thinking i've lost my mind in that choice as white and babies don't mix but it's machine washable and it can be tumble dried. You can also choose between a light of cosy style one which depends on what time of year you will be using it. It's suitable for newborns and it's a one size fits all shape covering from 5lbs to 12lbs. 

On the first night we used the Gro Snug, Ophelia loved it. She slept for more prolonged periods of time in-between feeds which meant she was content. We used it as a swaddle so we fastened the poppers at the arms. The bag is very roomy at the bottom which allows space for Ophelia to sleep in the natural frog leg position. The material is soft but also stretchy so it allows for movement which is great for Ophelia as she is a wriggler but this keeps her safe.

My favourite feature is that it unzips from the bottom. This is such a treat during night time nappy changes as it allows for minimal disruption. 

It washes very well. I've washed it every 2-3 days since we've had it and it hasn't shrunk at all and still looks as good as new.

Overall, I couldn't recommend this enough to use with any newborns. It's a lot safer than trying to swaddle with blankets and Ophelia has been very happy and content at night time since we've had it. We are going to buy another one in a different colour. You can purchase them from The Gro Company Store.

Did you swaddle your baby? Have you used any Gro Company products before?



  1. I wish we had known about these when Lucas was born. We couldn't get the hang of swaddling and as a result he never settled in his moses basket, resulting in me co-sleeping with him. I love co-sleeping but not sure how I'm now going to get him into his own cot x

  2. These so sound handy to have an so much better than using a blanket and much mre snug too x

  3. I swaddled my first but my second didn't like being so restricted. We use the gro bags though and they are amazing!

  4. I swaddled my first but my second didn't like being so restricted. We use the gro bags though and they are amazing!

  5. I'm sending this link to my pregnant friend who is due next month, it sounds like a good product x

  6. Looks like a great product, and anything that helps new mums get a little more sleep is a good thing in my eyes!

  7. This looks so great - Pickle loved his gro bags. He hated covers on him - but hated the cold too! Kaz x

  8. Ah how I wish I had this with both my babies, neither of them seemed to like my attempt at swaddling tho and managed to wiggle themselves free but I wish I'd had one of these from day one! Would've been much easier!!

  9. I have not used these personally but they look great. I would definately recommend them to friends who are pregnant. X

  10. We swaddled all three of our babies. First two loved it, third didn't, so we soon gave up! Something like this would have made life a lot easier though. Like you say, I was always worried about doing it wrongly or them being too hot. x

  11. They are great and how cute does Ophelia look in it??!!! Owwwww.xx

  12. This looks really good. We made an attempt at swaddling but didn't really get how it was done and gave up! I'd consider getting one of these for the next baby x


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